Our Solution

Two Ocean enrollment marketing supports institutions in engaging future high school students and their families throughout their process of searching for, applying to, and selecting a college.
  • Student Search
  • Application Marketing
  • Deposit/Yield Marketing
  • List Services

A different (and better) approach to enrollment marketing

While traditional marketing providers run static campaigns informed by limited, regression-based data sets, Two Ocean uses a different approach.

Our strategy is driven by real-time student behavior, and informed by data that’s updated daily using MARKETview. We empower our partners with marketing that’s adaptive, determined by what actions students take, and how the market moves.

We are also list volume-agnostic. While other providers upcharge to reach more students, we simply want you to reach the right ones.

Market Vision

A complete view of the marketplace

MARKETview insights and proprietary analyses inform every aspect of Two Ocean’s work, allowing our programs to evolve with the market and alter course as new strategic opportunities present themselves.

This union of data excellence, nimbleness, and marketing expertise produces a force multiplier effect that leads to better enrollment and revenue outcomes.


Reach students at every stage of their journey

Our Search and Application programs address the in-moment needs of students and parents and adjust as student behavior changes. These journey-based communications utilize an adaptive approach that intuitively reacts and responds to student actions and an omni-channel strategy (i.e., email, print, social, digital, text, web) that meets prospects where they are and when they’re active.

By being present at key moments of inflection, Two Ocean cultivates interest and deepens relationships in pursuit of achieving your goals.

Your Brand

A commitment to authenticity

At Two Ocean, we believe the best way to stand out to students is by showing the real you and why your school is special. To accomplish this, your dedicated creative team takes a storytelling approach that articulates your educational experience from the points of view of your students, faculty, and alumni.

We then communicate nuanced, personalized aspects of life on campus overlayed with strategic design and messaging that aligns with your unique brand and key value points.

Our Process

We approach our work with humility and an understanding that we are not the only ones with good ideas and intentions. We seek out ways to elevate your brand and team. Informed by MARKETview, our combined efforts will produce a force multiplier effect so that your institution can thrive.